
Monday, January 5, 2009

I find that I am drawn in all directions when I set out to work on my quilt projects. I REALLY want to do some "art quilt"/textile art stuff, but I'm really having trouble getting started. Maybe it is that I have trouble justifying starting something else (new) when I have SO many "traditional" things started that need to be finished. Anyone else feel like that?

Anyway, today I was going to finish my last 2008 The Quilt Show BOM, but I found that I hadn't finished the next to the last block (like I thought I had). That means I have to finish that one first (sew around all the fused pieces), then start the last block (from scratch). I would love to get both of those finished today. I'll be taking pictures of all of the blocks and posting those when I get them all finished. Check back!

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