
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Guest Blogger

I have been a guest blogger over at the And Then We Set It On Fire blog since January 18. I was asked to update the blog readers on what I have been doing since I ceased being a resident artist on that blog. I spent four blog posts catching reader up on several years of work. On January 27 and again on January 29 I am presenting an extreme embroidery project. I'd love for you to stop by and check out all the posts, but be sure to check out the project. Here are a couple of pictures of some of the pins I've made recently (using "extreme embroidery").

January 18 Post--"In the Beginning; It's Scary"

January 20 Post--"This is What I've Been Up To"

January 22 Post--"More Happenings"

January 25 Post--"Current Work"

January 27 Post--"Gather Your Supplies"

January 29 Post--"Extreme Embroidery Project"

Let me know if you do a pin. I'd love to see a picture.

I'm linking up with Nina-Marie's Off the Wall Friday. Check it out here.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Gallery Talk at Fiber Art Exhibit at St. Meinrad

I previously did a post about an fiber art exhibit at St. Meinrad, Indiana. It is a solo show by my friend Joanne Weis. If you didn't read that post (or don't remember whether you read it or not), click here. She is a great artist with a passion for environmental issues.

Well, she is going to give a gallery talk about her exhibit. This would be a GREAT opportunity to hear the artist herself speak about her work. I KNOW you would enjoy it as JoAnne is quite a passionate speaker. Here is the information as sent to me by her.

"A number of people have expressed an interest in meeting with me at my current art exhibition at St. Meinrad Arch Abbey. We have scheduled a "Gallery Talk" for Saturday, February 6, 10:00 a.m. CST, 11:00 a.m. EST. For GPS, your destination is 200 Hill Dr. St. Meinrad, IN 47577. The Gallery is in the Library. On the St.. Meinrad website, check the library location.

The show, entitled "Healing the Earth", consists of nine pieces that portray significant efforts to restore environmental damage. Both the art and the stories accompanying each piece have been amazing and I would love to share about the art itself and the hope that some of these stories have given me.

If the weather is questionable on February 6, check my Facebook page for notice of cancellation or rescheduling.

Joanne Weis"

Here is a picture of her work to refresh your memory or to inspire you to go to hear her speak.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Exhibit Opening

The opening of the 44th Mid-States Craft Exhibition was held last night at the Evansville Museum in Evansville, Indiana. It is really exciting to see my pieces hung in a museum. I didn't win any awards, but I feel like a winner by being juried into the exhibit to begin with.

For an all-types-of-media show, I was REALLY pleased to see so much fiber in this exhibit. When I had a piece in the show before, there were only two pieces of fiber in the entire exhibit; there were lots of fiber pieces this year. I took some pictures to share with you. Needless to say, pictures DO NOT do the pieces justice. If you get a chance to see this show in person, by all means go. You won't be sorry.

My piece, "Black, White, and Red All Over," is the first piece you'll see when you come in the door to the exhibit.

I loved where they placed my "Metamorphosis I." It was next to Janie Kegley's "Unaimed Kinetics" ((92 X 92 X 6 inches) at least that is what was on the card--it wasn't 92 inches tall; mixed media and fiber). The pieces really complimented each other. (My piece is the one on the right. It measures 26.25 X 36.5 inches.)

There was lots of color in fiber. Top left-"The Wish" (27 X 31.5 X .3 inches, hand dyed and hand quilted fiber) by Marliese Johnson from Louisville, KY; top right-"Coming Unglued" (23 X 23 X 2 inches, hand dyed and over dyed wool hand hooked on linen) by Renee Ferrell-Dillard from Makanda, IL; bottom-"Messages" (41 X 70 inches, fiber art quilt) by Marti Plager from Louisville, KY.

There were fiber pieces in neutral colors. Top left-"Dissemination" (28 X 23 inches, handwoven wool with rayon, nylon, cotton and metallic) by Laura Nicholson from New Harmony, IN; top right-"Matrix" (26 X 38 inches, framed tapestry weaving created on a hand loom) by Cynthia Martinez from Hudson, OH; bottom-"The Escape" (17.5 X 44.25 inches, fibers) by Lisa Kriner from Berea, KY.

One of the winners last night was a weaving called "Festive Entrance" (76 X 46 X 2 inches) by Philis Alvic from Lexington, KY. It won the $250 Marc Amiguet Schmitt Merit Award. You might think the other piece (on the right) is fiber, but it is a piece of earthenware called "Scrapped: Shawl" (36 X 19 X 19 inches) by EJ Brown from Oxford, OH.

I really loved these next two pieces. On the top is "Thread Chart 6" (18 X 19 inches; found fabric, thread, ink and pencil on linen) by Jean Hess from Knoxville, TN. This was one of the pieces that made me want to see it really close up, so I included a detail picture of this one. On the bottom is "Observe the Rhythm" (36 X 36 X 1.5 inches, wool and silk) by Wendy Franklin from Indianapolis, IN.

These next two pieces were very interesting. I couldn't tell what they were made of until I read the gallery tag next to the pieces. Surface Play is the name of both pieces made by Susan Harrison in collaboration with Conrad Pressma both from New Albany, IN. The pieces are each made of two interwoven digital prints on canvas. They measure 18 X 36 X 24 inches and 14 X 36 X 36 inches.

Here are some of the non-fiber pieces I really liked. Top left-"Beach Landscape" (glass) by Benjammin Johnson from Cicero, IN; top right-"Druzy Agate Necklace" (jewelry) by Mark Needham from Louisville, KY; bottom-"Bench for the Platform at Fashoda Junction" (wood) by Graham Campbell from Smithville, TN. (I have a piece of jewelry made by Mark Needham. I think I picked it up at the gift shop in the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft or at one of the craft shows I attend.

This is a really nice show in a really nice space. There is lots to see at the museum and good places to eat close by. My husband and I really like The Dapper Pig (four minutes away). It is open for lunch and dinner, but it is closed in between--open 10:30-2 for lunch and opens again from 5-9 CENTRAL TIME for dinner on weekdays; Fridays-same hours but open till 10 pm; Saturdays-same hours but open till 1am; Sundays-only open for lunch/brunch 10-2. They are closed on Mondays. Check out the exhibit, go out to eat, make it a day!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Notable Quilt Exhibit

There will be an exhibit at the Hite Art Institute on the campus of the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY, called "Capturing Women’s History: Quilts, Activism, and Storytelling." Put this exhibit on your "Must See" list if you are are interested in feminist history and the feminist art movements of the 1970s and 80s. (See the comment by Kathy Loomis.)

It features the International Honor Quilt (exhibited for the first time in its entirety). The International Honor Quilt consists of 539 individual triangular quilts produced by women and groups from around the country to celebrate individuals, women’s organizations, and women’s issues. In addition to the quilt, the Hot Flash Fan (1985) will also be on display. Initiated by Ann Stewart Anderson and Judy Chicago, the work includes the participation of 50 Kentucky artists and incorporates mixed media approaches to quilting.

The exhibition includes a rare opportunity to view historical documentation of the making of the quilts, to listen to stories about each quilt, and to learn how art can inspire social change. In 2013, the Hite Art Institute was gifted the International Honor Quilt by Through The Flower, a non-profit organization created by Judy Chicago in 1980. The Hite Art Institute in association with the University of Louisville is charged with utilizing the project to promote social engagement and inspire change.

You can view this exhibit at the Schneider Hall Galleries at the Hite Art Institute in Louisville, KY, from February 1 - March 19, 2016. The opening reception will occur on Friday, February 12, 2016, from 6pm - 8pm. If you can't make the opening reception but would like to see the exhibit, the gallery hours are Wed - Fri: 9am - 4:30pm and Sat - Sun: 1pm - 5pm. You can find a map here if you are interested in seeing this exhibit.

Some of the information for this blog post came from the Hite Art Institute show flyer.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Retreat--Day 3

Today is the last day of the retreat for me. (Insert sad face here.) I have had a wonderful time and have met some very nice people.

I finally have something to show; I finished another pin today. The photo on the left is the piece before it is cut out and before the black outline stitching has been done. The finished pin is on the right.

I did get a row sewn together for my hexagon quilt.

Look at the cute, tiny scissors I bought. They are made by Bohin and are great for my embroidery and hexie work. My friend, Robin S, made me a REALLY cute scissors case for them (since one didn't come with them). Check it out.

Speaking of Robin S, look what her dog did to a spool of her silk thread. The dog now lives with the neighbors!

There were even more quilts shown today. These two quilts are two of five quilts made for Quilts of Valor at the retreat. Some of the ladies pieced these and others volunteered to quilt and/or bind them. If you'd like to check out the Quilts of Valor program, click here.

These were some more quilt tops finished today.

It has been a really fun three days. I sure hate for it to be over. Thanks Jean Shaw for putting on such a nice retreat.

Retreat--Day 2

I am in day 2 of this quilting retreat. You really find out some interesting things at a retreat. One of the quilters shared this YouTube video. You have heard the line, "you can quilt that out," well this video address that in a REALLY funny way. Check it out here. I've also learned how to make a very simple very nice cover for my scissors. I'm going to test it out on a new pair of tiny scissors I just got. I'll share as soon as I get time.

I had been told that the food at this quilting retreat was REALLY good, but I had NO idea how good (or how much). They serve a fabulous breakfast followed by snacks in the afternoon and desserts later in the evening. Here is a little sample.

After we eat, there IS some work that gets done.

I know those of you that do piecing are already impressed with how beautiful this block is. You'll be even MORE impressed when I tell you the block measures only 12" finished.

I sure wouldn't mind getting this quilt for Valentine's Day.

This little paper-pieced quilt is a stunner.

Have you noticed you haven't seen anything of mine in these pics? Well, it is because I didn't even bring a sewing machine with me. I'm doing handwork on some "extreme embroidery" pins, my "forever" hexagon quilt, my larger "extreme embroidery" piece, and another project. It is SLOW going. I haven't made enough progress to make for any interesting pictures. Of course, visiting, eating, and checking out everyone's projects does take some time. (Insert smiley face here!)


Monday, January 18, 2016

Retreat Time!

I am fortunate enough to get to go to a lot of retreats. Nothing stops me and my quilting friends from getting there. Not even...

The snow DID clear up, but it is COLD!!!

Tonight was Show & Tell. The room was small, so I didn't get the best pictures; but I wanted to share some of it with you.

We are at the Cornerstone Inn Bed and Breakfast in Nashville, Indiana. The food is fabulous and the place is REALLY nice. I have met some really nice people and am having a great time. Now, the goal is to actually get some work done!

I hope to have more posts about this retreat. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I'm Baaaaaaack

I have ALL kinds of excuses for not having posted for awhile--traveling (to see my little granddaughter; see picture below), working on getting a couple pieces done for a deadline, working on some blog posts for And Then We Set It On Fire, Christmas company, and quilt retreats to name a few.

June Beth
I was asked to be a guest blogger for the And Then We Set It On Fire blog. I was a resident artist on the blog when it first started. I had to stop that when I took my Independent Study Workshop with Jane Dunnewold so I could work on my own artwork. Anyway, I was asked to bring them up to date on what I am currently doing, so I have six posts coming up at the end of January. The posts start on January 18 and continue through January 29th. They will be posted on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for two weeks. The last two posts contain a project you could do if you are interested. The project is an "extreme embroidery" pin. I will give you a supply list and show you how I did this pin.

I'd love it if you would stop by the Fire blog and check it out.

I have been doing a bit of "traditional" piecing; I've missed it. I find that it allows me to rest the creative part of my brain. (It needs a rest every now and then.) I'm doing the 365 Challenge--just VERY basic piecing. Here are the blocks I got finished at my last retreat. These are all supposed to use dark/dark, dark, or medium dark fabrics. If you check out the 365 Challenge sampler, you will see that these dark blocks will be used for an inner border.

I also made a checkerboard for the first part of a quilt along called "Play with Me." This quilt along is a wonderful skill builder that features a variety of game boards. It is set up so that each month a different technique (with step-by-step instructions) is featured.

In this quilt along, you have to finish the pattern for the current month to get the next month's pattern free. I find this to be a good incentive for me to actually get each month's pattern finished. (If you hurry, you can still get it finished in time to get the second "block" pattern for free.) I'm making the travel version of each game board. I figure they will get a lot of use with all the grandchildren.

The finished checkerboard will be quilted and will contain a zippered pocket to store the game pieces. This clever design rolls up for travel. I had to ask a few questions about getting the PDF and linking up to the website, and Alida could not have been more helpful. She got right back to me with just what I needed.

I also finished two pieces for the upcoming SAQA Indiana Marie Webster exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one or both are juried into the show. You'll get a look at those later. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Healing the Earth

At my last retreat, my friend Joanne Weis told me about a solo exhibition that was coming up for her. I REALLY admire her work and think EVERYONE should see it if they get a chance, so I asked her to send me all the information she could think of about the exhibit. Here is what you need to know.

Joanne's exhibit will be held January 5 to February 28, 2016, at the St. Meinrad (Indiana) Archabbey Gallery.

Joanne is a mixed media textile artist in Louisville, Kentucky, whose work can be found in numerous private collections around the country. Her recent work has focused on the links between the earth’s environment and the spiritual, leading to the 2016 show at the St. Meinrad Archabbey, "Healing the Earth".

Working in hand dyed, printed and embroidered hemp, this series of textile pieces focuses on activities and locations where people with a passion, generally in partnership with private foundations and/or the government, are exerting significant effort to repair and restore the soil, water, flora and fauna destroyed or threatened by humans. In planning this series, Joanne put out a request to artist friends around the country, asking if they were aware of locations in their vicinity where environmental restoration efforts were having some success. The response was overwhelming leading to nine pieces honoring restoration and reclamation processes that offer hope for a repaired and healed earth.

The picture above is an image of a piece depicting the "Copper Basin" , 32,000 acres in Polk County Tennessee and Fannin County Georgia near the state border with North Carolina. A cluster of low hills surrounded by mountains created a geologic formation that resulted in nine distinct copper deposits and was totally destroyed by 19th century mining practices. (Those five rectangles on the left of the piece are actual pieces of copper. Now do you see why I love her work? You've GOT to see this piece (and all the pieces) in person.)

The Gallery is located in the library at St Meinrad Archabbey, 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad, Indiana 47577; 65 miles west of Louisville, Kentucky, and 55 miles east of Evansville, Indiana. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Those wishing to view the exhibit may want to arrive at least 30 minutes before closing time. You might also need to know that St. Meinrad is on Central time. Please check out this exhibit if you get a chance. Let me know how much you love it! Here is the information you will need to plan your trip.

"Healing the Earth" at the St/Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery - January 5 to February 28, 2016.

Regular Hours

(September 1 - December 10, 2015; January 27- May 12, 2016)


8 a.m.-noon, 1-4:50 p.m., 6-10 p.m.


8 a.m.-noon, 1-4:50 p.m., 6:45-10 p.m.

Wednesday - Friday

8 a.m.-noon, 1-4:50 p.m., 6-10 p.m.


9-11 a.m., 1-3:50 p.m., 6-10 p.m.


1-4:50 p.m., 7:30-10 p.m.

Late December and January Hours (Please check below for special hours.)

(December 11, 2015 - January 26, 2016)


8 a.m.-noon, 1-5 p.m.


8 a.m.-noon, 1-5 p.m.


1-5 p.m.


1-5 p.m.